Choice Blend

Lots of Oil = Lots of Birds

Our Choice Blend is a fantastic combination of high-oil content seeds. The black oil sunflower, sunflower chips, shelled peanuts, safflower and striped sunflower do a great job of attracting a variety of birds, including chickadees, woodpeckers, titmice, nuthatches and jays. Try offering Choice Blend in a hopper feeder, seed tube feeder or our Flyin' Bistro™ feeder, and add loads of fun to your backyard bird watching experience.

Each of our blends is locally selected to meet the regional and seasonal needs of the birds. We do not include filler grains like oats, wheat and milo that decrease the price per pound of a mix, because these filler seeds are less attractive (or not attractive) to birds. Because there is no wasted seed, our blends actually end up costing less to use while attracting more of the birds that you want to watch.